Shame debilitates, disempowers, disables, depresses, deflates. It says you’re not good enough and never will be. It says because of the things you have done or the things you have believed, or the things you have not done, you will never be good enough for anyone, for any role, or any purpose. Shame will render you useless. It will suck all life from you, and leave you as a cold, empty shell. The shame of feelings, shame of letting others down, shame of getting it wrong, the shame of accidentally saying something without thinking until after the words are out of your mouth. The shame of the thoughts that sometimes enter your mind – do they dictate to you that that is who you are – that because you thought those things, then you must be such and such? “If I wasn’t such and such, then I wouldn’t think those things?” Shame that someone might actually hear your thoughts and decide what kind of person you are, decide your value, your worth, judge you, mock you, ridicule you, look down on you?