There is no Condemnation for Fear and Anxiety

How many of you battle with fear or anxiety in different areas of your life? Fear and anxiety can be debilitating and overwhelming at times, especially if we don’t have a strategy for what we are going to do when we experience these symptoms.

I recently had an intense anxiety attack while trying to get to sleep one night. I remember feeling somewhat powerless against it, and also somewhat annoyed and frustrated at myself that I was even experiencing the anxiety. It wasn’t rational in my mind for the anxiety to be present, especially to be that intense. I remember asking God what to do, as I really didn’t like the feeling of not being able to control this intense feeling. I was asking what I needed to do to conquer the anxiety and find my peace again.

I felt God say to me, “There is no condemnation when you feel fear or anxiety”. I realized then that condemnation was still part of my inner story, what I believe about who I am – not worthy, not performing up to par, trying to be a conqueror, but feeling condemned when I didn’t overcome whatever I was facing.

His voice came again to me, “There is no condemnation in me.” As I meditated on this thought, I realized that it was ok if I felt afraid or if I felt anxious – God was not condemning me for not having it all together. By understanding this, the pressure to not be afraid and not be anxious lifted off me. I felt His peace again and the feelings of fear and anxiety dissipated – they had no power under the truth of God’s word.

The truth is God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power and love and discipline (2 Timothy 1:7). Freedom from fear is found in Him. If we are still learning this truth and have not yet conquered fear, there is NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).

The truth is the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). We have peace available for every situation where anxiety tries to manoeuvre into position to take control. While we are still learning this truth and are still taming moments of anxiety, there is NO condemnation for feeling this way.

When the word of God says NO condemnation, that’s exactly what it means. We need to let go of our own expectations that not even God has of us. This applies to every area of our lives. He is the master of moulding and shaping us as His ways are usually far more gentle and far more effective than our own plans for moulding and shaping our own lives.

When we realize that God is working all things together for good and that He only wants to bring blessing into our lives, not condemnation, we become freer to allow Him to do His work in us. He wants us to be free from fear and anxiety – by the truth of what He says in His word, not because we “should” be free in our own strength and capacity.

If you are facing thoughts or feelings of condemnation in any area of your life, take a moment to find out what God’s word says about your situation – ask God to show you, then meditate on the fact that there is now NO condemnation.


Click here for more of the No Condemnation Series.


  1. Wow, we do need these reminders, that God is working all things together. When facing my husband’s illness….meditating on what if instead of trusting God in all situations…thanks for sharing.

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